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Designer  •  Illustrator

Kellogg’s Recipes of Love

Kellogg's Ready to Eat Cereals (RTEC) has a problem in Singapore. Kellogg's RTEC doesn't really have a place in our mix of local delicacies and fast food at all. In fact, providing loved ones with cereal for any meal can come across as lazy and that they're taking the easy way out.

As part of a brand plan proposal to Kellogg's, we turned regular Kellogg's cereal recipes into Recipes of Love. We wanted to let Singaporeans know that not only is cereal substantial, it is also a way to show our loved ones we care.

These recipes can sit across multiple digital and social platforms. They can subsequently be produced in a physical recipe book. We also proposed partnering with supermarkets to bundle ingredients featured in recipes to further increase awareness and further engage our target audience.

January 2017

© 2018 Shawn Choy